Introducing Release 4.38.0

Richard Wilson May 29, 2019

We constantly innovate to create quality solutions that our customers can’t live without!

New Feature: Audit Review

Reviewing just got easier! AuditComply introduces the anticipated new Audit Review! An efficient and greatly effective feature designed to save time, increase visibility and streamline processes. The Audit Review function gives users the capability to review numerous reports on one screen, where they can close and sign off assessments in bulk.

New Feature: Mandatory Input Fields

Users can now make individual input fields mandatory. Users will be unable to submit the audit without filling in the necessary inputs, meaning that vital information is not omitted.

Further Improvements

-A link has been added to the template builder, allowing users to easily set up category lists.

-A search has been added when choosing a default NC assignee on the template builder.

-Filtering by Score on the completed report now adds a score label to the top of the audit, so users can clearly see which filter has been applied.

-A Count has been added to the Non-Conformance word cloud on the Non-Conformance Analytics page.

-Requirement tags no longer appear when requirements have been hidden as a result of conditional filtering.

-Users can now search in the completed audit for scores, additional inputs and addition input labels.

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