Release 7.16 πŸ”” – Enhanced Categories, Additional Task Settings & More!

Aimee Lyttle August 1, 2023

What’s New in Release 7.16?

{NEW} Enhanced Categories

In our continuous effort to improve user experience and flexibility, we have rolled out several enhancements to our Categories. Now, you have more control over how you manage and use categories. Here’s what you can do:

Multiple Category Fields: You now have the option to add multiple category fields on a single template. This means you can maintain multiple category lists per template, making your classification more efficient.

Category Field Selection: Choose whether a category field is single select or multi select.  Significantly enhancing versatility, accuracy, and depth of data analysis. This not only facilitates comprehensive problem identification but also boosts precision in non-conformance reporting and record keeping.

Distinct Category Lists for NCs and Tasks: No more one-size-fits-all approach! You can now select separate category lists for NCs and Tasks, a change from our previous version where one list applied to both. 

Disable Categories: If you don’t want to use categories on a specific template, no problem! You now have the ability to disable categories altogether. 

Mandatory Category Fields: To ensure important information is never forgotten or left out, you can make Category fields mandatory.

{NEW} Additional Task Settings

We’re thrilled to announce that we have duplicated additional organisation settings previously only available for NCs, and made them available for Tasks as well. Now you can:

Create Draft Tasks: Create your tasks with more control by drafting them first.Β 

Manage Tasks on Portal: Now manage your tasks directly on the portal before finalizing and submitting your audit. 

Custom Fields for Tasks: For a more personalized and efficient system, add custom fields to your tasks as required.

Additional Improvements

We believe these updates will provide you with a more flexible and tailored approach towards managing your tasks and categories. Your feedback is always important to us, so please let us know what you think about these changes by contacting 

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